Screenwriting For Money Structure Template
Screenwriting4Money Structure Template for Movie Magic Screenwriter 6
FREE for all Screenwriter 6 users, this authorized template is an outline of Oscar winners Paul Ruven and Marian Batavier's Eight Step story structure from their book "SCREENWRITING FOR MONEY AND AWARDS." In 8 Story Steps, the Main Character attacks the Problem/Opponent with 5 different Plans. Only the 5th Plan succeeds. In the beginning the Main Character lives in his Second Choice Life, but through the 8 Story Steps he ends up in his First Choice Life.
For instructions and links to Download the free template, CLICK HERE.
- To access the template in Screenwriter 6, click on File>New from Template. Then open the Instructional Templates folder and choose the Screenwriting4Money.def file, and click Open.
- Begin writing your script!
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About the Book, "Screenwriting for Money and Awards"
Oscar winning movie makers Paul Ruven and Marian Batavier saw two hundred Hollywood professionals, before they discovered the secret of Hollywood: The golden formula for succesful screenwriting. This unique book reveals how you too can easily write with this formula, with hundreds of clear examples: from MEET THE PARENTS, PRETTY WOMAN, TRUMAN SHOW, DIRTY DANCING to TOY STORY, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, KRAMER VERSUS KRAMER and European movies like LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, RUN LOLA RUN, CACHE. Once you know it, it’s easy for you to write or rewrite your script. A Must Have for screenwriters, but also for actors, directors, producers and other movie-lovers, who want an all revealing insight in the secret of Hollywood of how a succesfull movie really works.
About Paul Ruven and Marian Batavier
Filmmakers Paul Ruven and Marian Batavier worked on many movies, like ‘Alaska’, that won the Oscar (Academy Award Best Foreign Student Movie). ‘Hollywood’s golden success formula’ is lectured at film schools, universities, art schools, schools for actors and directors, and special seminars.