Screenwriting for Money Template Installation Directions
Complete Installation Directions...
Screenwriting 4 Money Structure Template for use with Movie Magic Screenwriter 6
Below are instructions for installing the template on a PC, a Mac, as well as instructions on how to access the template from within Screenwriter 6.
To install the Screenwriting4Money Structure Template in Windows XP/2000 or Vista:
1) Click on the link below to download the template.
2) When prompted, choose Run or Open.
3) Click on Allow (Vista only).
NOTE: if prompted as to which program to open the file, choose Compressed (zipped) Folders or Windows Explorer.
4) When the Zip file opens, single click the “Screenwriting4Money.def” file so it is selected/highlighted.
5) Click on Organize > Copy (Vista) or Edit > Copy (Windows 2000/XP).
NOTE: Nothing will happen on the screen.
6) On the lower left of your computer screen, click on Start > Documents (Vista) or My Documents (Windows XP/2000).
7) Double-click the Screenwriter Documents folder.
8) Double-click the Templates folder.
9) Double-click the Instructional Templates folder.
10) Click on Organize > Paste (Vista) or Edit > Paste (Windows 2000/XP). If you are prompted that the file already exists, click Copy and Replace (Vista) or click “Yes” (Windows 2000/XP).
To install the Screenwriting 4 Money Structure Template in Macintosh:
1) Click on the link below to download the template.
2) Click on Go > Home from the Finder menus.
3) Double-click the Downloads folder to open it.
4) Single-click the “Screenwriting4Money.def” file to select it.
5) Click on Edit > Copy.
NOTE: Nothing will happen on the screen.
6) On the left side of the window, click on Documents under “Places”. If you don’t see that, click on Go > Home and open Documents there.
7) Double-click on the Movie Magic Screenwriter folder to open it.
8) Double-click on the Templates folder.
9) Double-click on the Instructional Templates folder.
10) Click on Edit > Paste.
Using The Template in Screenwriter 6
To access the template in Screenwriter 6 (Mac and Windows):
1) Click on File > New from Template.
2) Double-click the Instructional Templates folder.
3) Select the “Screenwriting4Money.def” file and click Open.
Screenwriting 4 Money Structure Template for use with Movie Magic Screenwriter 6
Below are instructions for installing the template on a PC, a Mac, as well as instructions on how to access the template from within Screenwriter 6.
To install the Screenwriting4Money Structure Template in Windows XP/2000 or Vista:
1) Click on the link below to download the template.
2) When prompted, choose Run or Open.
3) Click on Allow (Vista only).
NOTE: if prompted as to which program to open the file, choose Compressed (zipped) Folders or Windows Explorer.
4) When the Zip file opens, single click the “Screenwriting4Money.def” file so it is selected/highlighted.
5) Click on Organize > Copy (Vista) or Edit > Copy (Windows 2000/XP).
NOTE: Nothing will happen on the screen.
6) On the lower left of your computer screen, click on Start > Documents (Vista) or My Documents (Windows XP/2000).
7) Double-click the Screenwriter Documents folder.
8) Double-click the Templates folder.
9) Double-click the Instructional Templates folder.
10) Click on Organize > Paste (Vista) or Edit > Paste (Windows 2000/XP). If you are prompted that the file already exists, click Copy and Replace (Vista) or click “Yes” (Windows 2000/XP).
To install the Screenwriting 4 Money Structure Template in Macintosh:
1) Click on the link below to download the template.
2) Click on Go > Home from the Finder menus.
3) Double-click the Downloads folder to open it.
4) Single-click the “Screenwriting4Money.def” file to select it.
5) Click on Edit > Copy.
NOTE: Nothing will happen on the screen.
6) On the left side of the window, click on Documents under “Places”. If you don’t see that, click on Go > Home and open Documents there.
7) Double-click on the Movie Magic Screenwriter folder to open it.
8) Double-click on the Templates folder.
9) Double-click on the Instructional Templates folder.
10) Click on Edit > Paste.
Using The Template in Screenwriter 6
To access the template in Screenwriter 6 (Mac and Windows):
1) Click on File > New from Template.
2) Double-click the Instructional Templates folder.
3) Select the “Screenwriting4Money.def” file and click Open.